Materials to share with domestic employers
Our sister organization, Hand in Hand the Domestic Employers Network, has written these guidelines on how employers can create safe workplaces for domestic workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sharing these materials written by and for domestic employers can be a helpful way to start important conversations with your own employer. Here is a sample text that you can use to share these recommendations with your employer:
“I thought you would be interested in these materials from Hand in Hand, the Domestic Employers Network, on how we can help each other stay safe from COVID-19 coronavirus. Can we find a time to talk about these recommendations?”
As you prepare to talk with your employer, here are some things you may want to think about in advance and be ready to discuss:
- Are there any additional supplies that would allow you to better protect yourself and the people in your care? What are those?
- Are there any changes in your work routine that would allow you to better protect yourself and the people in your care? What are those?
- Will your employer provide paid time off in case you become ill or someone in the employer’s family does?
- What are your employer’s plans for alternate care arrangements if you become ill and are unable to provide care?
- What are your employer’s plans for alternate care arrangements if the person or people in your care become ill with the coronavirus and you cannot perform your work duties without putting yourself at risk of infection?